  1. Merry Exmas

From the recording Christmas Together

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Merry Exmas

Ya know that sweater
He always wanted
Will look much better
on you anyway
An’ that tennis bracelet
Well hell, let’s face it
Will shine brighter
on your wrist anyday

This season didn’t turn out
Exactly like we’d planned
We both got our hearts broke
On Christmas Eve
Pass me another egg nog,
throw that turkey in the pan
Cause we still have their gifts
Under the tree

Merry Ex-mas mas to me
Merry Ex-mas to you
We’ll make our own holiday this year
Since they told us we were through
It’s just down to me and you
So Merry Ex-mas to you my dear

We should be cryin’
Instead of laughin’
As we’re unwrappin’
All those gifts for them
So let's keep our chins up
And call some friends up
And have a Hallmark
Movie Christmas binge

Add a few shots to the egg nog
Of jack, or shine, or jim
They've helped us through
a rough patch or two.
And to the ones that dumped us,
Well it's too bad for them.
I'm not sad anymore,
are you?

Merry Ex-mas mas to me
Merry Ex-mas to you
We’ll make our own holiday this year
Since they told us we were through
It’s just down to me and you
So Merry Ex-mas to you my dear

(Banter and musical ride)

Merry Ex-mas mas to me
Merry Ex-mas to you
We’ll make our own holiday this year
Since they told us we were through
It’s just down to me and you
So Merry Ex-mas to you my dear
Merry Ex-mas to you my dear

Songwriters: Jada Star & Barry Jobe